Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hotdeployment of properties file

     In last month we faced another Internationalization problem with properties file hot deployment. Hot deployment is commonly used to deploy updates for live web-application.
    The problem was when we hot deployed web-app the messages of  new screen are not pulled from corresponding properties file. ResourceBundle unable to find new keys ,leading to all labels are showing keys. But when we restarted server the messages are shown perfectly.
     After analyzing we realized that the properties file are not reloaded after hot deployment while all other classes are reloaded properly.This is because of ResourceBundle class, it caches properties file on read and returns retrieve strings from cache. When the class redeployed this cache remain untouched.
     The solution to this to clear this cache. we added static block in our class to clear ResourceBundle cache.
following is the code we currently using :

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